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Why you should use an ePortfolio ?

Dai'Ja Harrell

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

A term that is often always repeated throughout education is learning about learning . I believe that an ePortfolio best imbodies that logic. An ePortfolio is a learner built website to record thoughts , evidence in skills over a course of time. Understanding that we as humans will experience the inevitable , change, throughout different points in our lives. A ePortfolio can help document that change over time. The main impacts of having and ePortfoilo is reflection , having evidence , and making connections.

Reflecting is a primary reason when understanding why ePortfolios are useful . Ultimately when reflecting it is a way to connect those dots and self assess all the knowledge obtained over a course amount of time. Its a way to also create your identity and develop and evolve in your thoughts. As part of reflecting your are telling your story through what you have learned and showcase your style of learning. In Reflection4learning it is stated that Stories are a fundamental method of personal growth through reflection, which is preparation for the future, and deliberation, of past considerations." Each page , allows you to express and connect with different people at different points of your life similar to the way stories do.

By creating an ePortfolio , you not only can reflect on your work but you have evidence of your learning. Having your work there shows how invested and engaged in your learning you are. When thinking in the aspect of your future , maybe its and employer or students , having an ePortfolio can display what you have done or currently are working on . In my case , in my organization I would use my ePortfolio to model for my students my learning and in hopes they will be able to reciprocate and are able to display their learning that ultimately allows them to engage in their learning and reflect. Take a look at my blog on COVA and understand how it can effects the sense of ownership when understanding E portfolios.

The greatest reward in creating an ePortfolio would be making connections. The ability to be able to reflect , assess yourself and gain feedback from others. Learning is and evolving concept. As you collected those dots or small ideas and thoughts on different topics and recorded them onto your ePortfolio for others to observe, it leaves so much room for peer feedback and connect on those ideas with others to add more into your portfolio.



1 Yorum

29 Haz 2023

I had never thought of ePortfolios as something where I can "showcase my style of learning". Now when looking through your ePortfolio and others, I will keep this in mind to learn how other people learn and incorporate that into my learning too, connecting those dots!

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