As I progress through the courses, my comfort level has increased, and I've experienced significant personal and professional growth. Identifying both areas of personal development and recognizing opportunities for improvement has been instrumental in applying my newfound knowledge effectively. I now possess the insights necessary to construct meaningful learning environments for future interactions with diverse learners. While I've made notable improvements in various aspects, I'm equally aware of the areas that warrant further growth. I've taken time to make plans so that I can keep learning and growing throughout the rest of this program and beyond.
5313: In 5313 my assignments were:
5389: In 5389 my assignments were :
Key Contributions:
Created a google doc collab sheet to sort out our work of group members
Provided feedforward discussion post as well as to group members on Goggle Collab sheet
Reviewed feedback and incorporated it into my ePortfolio and projects as part of the continuous improvement process.
Conducted additional independent research beyond the suggested course materials to contribute valuable insights.
Adhered to all deadlines outlined in the course calendars for both 5313 and 5389.
Provided support to new learners in the ADL program by sharing ePortfolios and personal information.
Regularly monitored grades and emails, promptly responding to messages.
Supporting Contributions:
Reviewed and offered constructive feedback for links shared in Collabarative Google Doc
Collaborated in a shared leadership capacity within our core group alongside Chloe Vallot and Shirelle Barnes.
Initiated contact with classmates, extending support as required.
In 5313 my learning has illuminated aspects of myself as a learner. I now possess a heightened confidence in crafting meaningful learning environments that offer genuine experiences. Employing two different planning methods proved advantageous in refining my ideas for professional learning, assessing their efficacy for all learners. The skills honed extend beyond the scope of my innovation plan, offering versatile tools applicable to future planning across various domains. While as in 5389 I was provided insights into the essential nature of proficient professional development. Now equipped with the understanding of the why, what, and how, I grasp the principles of effective professional development and how to implement them when planning to assist all learners. The class proved invaluable in emphasizing the significance of meticulous development.
Areas for Improvement:
Enhance discussion board posts by incorporating references to external resources beyond the provided materials.
Participate in additional live class meetings during the upcoming session.
Allocate extra time to engage with course readings thoroughly.
Furthermore, I aim to extend my research beyond the confines of class materials to discover additional resources that can contribute to a more profound understanding of concepts. Over the next eight weeks, I intend to allocate more dedicated time to attend live meetings. In the current session, attendance at scheduled evening meetings proved challenging, and I observed a tangible impact on my connection with classmates. Active participation in live discussions fostered a heightened sense of collaboration and connection, enhancing the overall learning experience. Moving forward, I aspire to apply the insights gained from the program by taking the initiative to share my ideas openly, embracing the risk involved. My ongoing commitment involves continually refining my ability to be vulnerable and take risks, particularly in collaborative endeavors.
The grades I am giving myself are as follows:
5313: 90%
5389: 95%
