By Dai'Ja Harrell
Being this I am going into my 3rd year teaching , I have experienced many different type of learners . Not just students but also adults. As learners we all obtain and retain information differently. This can be determined by the approach of the teacher. Learning about COVA and how it can effectively increase my student engagement and comprehension as well as my approach to teaching I believe will have a huge impact on my classroom. COVA stands for C (choice) , O (Ownership) , V (Voice), and A ( Authentic Learning) . All of these components build off of each other to create a different learning environment that both engages students as well as improve the teachers teaching methods. All are as equally important than another.

C (choice) allows the reader to be in control of most of the logistics and structure of how they learn and what they learn. It makes the experience of learning more personal and promotes the learner to have more pure learning interactions. This choice however is independent but guided by the instructor or teacher. O (ownership) is what motivates the learner and increase engagement . How the learner connects with their learning will determine their motivation. V (voice) is the learners thoughts and connections that was made with their learning an dhow they share them with their peers and colleagues. Lastly all of these components produces A (authentic learning). Using these components and going out into the world and making meaningful connections to further their learning is what makes it authentic.