EDLD 5315- Assess Digital Learning/Instruct
So Iv'e birthed an idea to jazz up our classrooms and campuses! I want our classroom to be a place where everyone feels pumped about learning, you know?
These methods will get everyone involved and excited, making our class super awesome! But it's not just about me—it's about all of us teachers. We can learn new tricks that'll make teaching easier and more effective. If we nail down these UDL and blended learning approaches, we'll be the go-to experts on campus.
Picture this: our class becomes the epicenter of excitement and learning. That energy will spread across the whole campus, making it a buzzing hive of innovation. Plus, these methods prep students for the real world, giving them the skills they need to succeed.
So let's give it a shot! With this action plan, we'll shake things up, making our classroom and campus the coolest spots to learn.