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5302 Concepts of Educational Tech

This semester , fall 2023, I delved deeper into concepts such as the growth mindset, strategies for failing forward, and the COVA Model. These explorations swiftly influenced how I approach decision-making, not only in my professional but also in my personal life. As I progress in the Digital Learning and Leading program, my intention is to apply these principles when I...

  1. When tackling the use of a new application or platform for coursework, my approach will involve persistence rather than giving up due to unfamiliarity or the possibility of making errors. Embracing the opportunity to learn from mistakes will be my strategy. The creation of this site serves as a prime example. 

  2. When facing challenges in meeting assignment requirements, I will leverage the constructive feedback I receive and use it to enhance my learning.

  3. Serve as an inspiration to my fellow grade-level teachers by demonstrating that even the youngest learners in our school can thrive through the application of the COVA Model. To disseminate this knowledge and encourage a culture of courageous learning, I plan to utilize my classroom website and engage in weekly PLC discussions.



As I advance in my learning journey, I think about my Learning Manifesto, which serves as my declaration encompassing my perspectives, convictions, experiences, obstacles, and objectives in the realm of public education. Furthermore, I have compiled additional details about the amalgamation of essential resources that help me stay current, well-informed, and consistently stimulate my cognitive processes. These elements collectively guide my thoughts and maintain my concentration. There are numerous tasks to undertake and several adjustments to implement. I encourage you to review the information on this page to understand how these components can reshape your thought processes and ultimately contribute to the betterment of our students.




COVA. (2019, May 4). It’s About Learning.


Learning Manifesto | EDLD e portfolio. (n.d.). Edld E Portfolio.


Hendrick, C. (2021). Schools love the idea of a growth mindset, but does it work? | Aeon Essays. Aeon.



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