To make a difference we have to spark change. Unlocking the key to initiating and guiding transformative change lies in engaging the heart. Effecting change necessitates a dual shift in both cognitive and emotional realms. This symphony of change harmonizes with John Kotter's insight that change is inherently 60% emotional and 40% rational (2011). The initial stride towards change involves dismantling complacency and stoking a fervent sense of urgency.
Finding your personal "why" is also important. As Simon Sinek (2009) suggests, people don't just care about what you do; they care about why you do it. In essence, successful change requires both appealing to people's hearts and minds. By building urgency, fostering belief, and understanding our motivations, I believe we can lead change in a way that truly resonates and brings positive results.
As a teacher things can become tiring and stressful, but coming back from summer break, I feel refreshed and ready to teach again. We forget about the stress because we are reminded of the moments when students' faces light up with understanding or when students appreciate our help. This "why" – the reason they became teachers – helps us stay motivated, even when teaching gets tough. Our students necessitate this dedication. They yearn for us to leave an indelible mark, to provide them with learning opportunities that champion creativity, autonomy, and self-expression. They crave the chance to cultivate critical thinking skills. Their future, and consequently the future of our society, hinges upon these aspects.
Overall addressing in hopes that the why, how, and what, that flow from my heart to the hearts of fellow educators and administrators who share a belief in the transformative power of education and its paramount importance for students' welfare can evoke the change we need today. Often, the "why" behind our actions becomes obscured or fades over time, yet unearthing this "why" establishes a profound emotional connection and ignites a passionate drive within us.
Your longing to effect change finds resonance here, and this is our juncture to do so. By reminding ourselves of the "why" and breathing life into it, we unleash a collective force that has the potential to redefine education, mold young minds, and shape a brighter tomorrow.
Kotter, J. [Dr. John Kotter]. (2011, March 23). The heart of change [Video file]. Retrieved from
Kotter, J. [Dr. John Kotter]. (2013, August 15). Leading change: Establish a sense of urgency [Video file].
Retrieved from
Sinek, S. [TEDx Talks]. (2009, September 28). Start with why: How great leaders inspire action [Video file].
Retrieved from