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Applied Digital Learning Journey Synthesis

 Upon reflection, I've come to appreciate the unconventional nature of this program, which has effectively challenged me to step beyond my comfort zone and stretch my limits. This experience has equipped me with the tools and mindset needed to influence learners positively in the future. Exiting this program, I emerge as a forward-thinking professional, armed with a profound understanding and revitalized perspective on effecting change. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who have accompanied me on this transformative journey. During my journey in the ADL program, I've undergone significant growth and transformation as a learner within the field of education. I've gained confidence in my capacity to leverage digital tools not only for my own learning but also for facilitating the growth and development of the students and educators I support. Reflecting on the program's foundational principles, it's evident how far I've come in the span of 11 months. Each course has seamlessly complemented the others, playing an indispensable role in propelling me forward on this path towards innovation.


This course has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of fixed and growth mindsets, fostering a shift towards embracing the latter as I embarked on my journey of growth. As I advanced through the program, I expanded my professional learning networks, both online and within my campus community, while refining my personal philosophy of learning in my learning manifesto. The introduction to COVA principles in this course marked a significant turning point, empowering me to take charge of my own learning process. While finding my voice wasn't always straightforward, it emerged through consistent practice and a willingness to embrace the learning journey with openness and resilience.

EDLD 5303

Applying Educ Tech: Portfolio

Throughout this course, we dedicated time to refining our ePortfolios, which included creating a blog. It provided me with the chance to extensively develop my ePortfolio, building upon prior coursework. I curated a brand as a digital learner and educator, enriching my portfolio with a diverse range of content to demonstrate my journey and potential for advancement. This encompassed additions like my resume, select samples of my work within and beyond the program, and links to my blog, offering a comprehensive overview of my skills and experiences.

EDLD 5304

Leading Organization Change

Throughout this course, we honed our skills as self-differentiated leaders, equipped with strategies to navigate resistance encountered during the implementation of our innovation plans. Our journey encompassed the creation of essential projects including the Why, 4DX Plan, Influencer Strategy, Self-Differentiated Leadership, and Organizational Change Strategy. As I delved into the process of effecting change, I realized the importance of understanding the what, why, and how behind our goals. Leveraging my leadership capabilities, I acquired the ability to communicate effectively, exert influence, overcome resistance, and foster innovation. Through these endeavors, I cultivated the skills essential for driving meaningful transformation within organization.

EDLD 5305

Disruptive Innovation in Tech

EDLD 5313

Create Significant Learning Environment

My innovation journey commenced in 5305, marked by pivotal milestones such as the Literature Review, Implementation Outline, Innovation Proposal, Annotated Bibliography, and Innovation Plan. This course cultivated our ability to think innovatively, laying a robust foundation for our ongoing ADL endeavors.

EDLD 5389

Disruptive Innovation in Tech

In this course, I built on my innovation plan to create effective professional learning sessions. I aimed to make these sessions engaging, relevant, and suited to adult learners' needs by creating a call to action plan. Learning is ongoing and should always be practical and meaningful. Through this course, I not only learned myself but also took on a leadership role to help others learn.

Crafting meaningful learning environments extends beyond mere classroom organization. In this course I  created CSLE-New Culture of Learning, Learning Philosophy, Developing a Growth Mindset, Aligning Outcomes, and my UbD Design Template. Rooted in a robust learning philosophy, a significant learning environment empowers students to actively participate in their learning journey through ambitious goals and backward design. Introducing technology into this environment enhances the authenticity of the learning experience, ensuring that learners engage meaningfully with the content and tools at their disposal. This approach cultivates an atmosphere where students are not passive recipients of information but rather active contributors to their own learning, leading to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

EDLD 5318

Devel Effective Prof Learning

This course served as a foundation for enhancing my capacity to integrate research-driven practices into our professional endeavors, equipping us with the tools necessary to assess, adapt, and innovate within the realm of digital learning and instruction. In 5315, I delved into the realm of research, equipping ourselves with the skills to utilize action research, measurement, and assessment effectively in refining and expanding our innovation plans. Through various assignments, such as the Action Research Design Outline, Literature Review on Blended Learning, and Measurement Strategy, I honed my ability to conduct thorough research and gather pertinent data to inform our initiatives. Additionally, the Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction assignment provided valuable insights into evaluating the effectiveness of digital learning methodologies. 

EDLD 5317

Devel Effective Prof Learning

EDLD 5320

Devel Effective Prof Learning

In this course, I built on my innovation plan to create effective professional learning sessions. I aimed to make these sessions engaging, relevant, and suited to adult learners' needs by creating a call to action plan. Learning is ongoing and should always be practical and meaningful. Through this course, I not only learned myself but also took on a leadership role to help others learn.

As the program concludes, I'm reflecting on everything I've assembled to enhance learning effectiveness. Through analysis, meaningful literature connections, and reflection, I've evolved into not just a digital learner, but also a digital innovator .In the last course of the ADL program, I transitioned into a reflective, self-assessing learner, reviewing all my work to create a COVA Reflection, Innovation Project Update, and ADL synthesis.

Sharing knowledge and actively participating in professional growth beyond my organization is vital for learning and development. This course emphasized the importance of contributing to the professional world. Assignments included creating a Publication Outline, crafting a Publication Rough Draft, developing a Publication Media Pitch, and finalizing a Publication Final Draft,. Through these tasks, I honed my ability to disseminate knowledge effectively and engage in ongoing professional development.

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