I tend to overcommit myself by creating extensive to-do lists filled with numerous important tasks. Regrettably, I rarely manage to complete these lists or check off even a couple of items. Consequently, I have made the decision to embrace the principles outlined in the book "The 4 Disciplines of Execution" by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling. According to these authors, effective leaders drive change by concentrating on just one or two Wildly Important Goals (WIGs). By demonstrating determination and executing my tasks thoughtfully, I can bring about meaningful change as shown in my influencer strategy.
The daily demands of our work, commonly described as the unending cycle, continually keep us engaged. As educators and administrators in the education sector, our to-do lists are overflowing with diverse tasks, leaving us with a persistent feeling of playing catch-up. However, it's crucial not to become so entangled in this ceaseless cycle that we shy away from trying out new ventures and straying from our goals. If a substantial addition is introduced into the never-ending cycle but isn't consistently nurtured and supervised, it becomes lost amid the turmoil and turbulence.
The 4 Disciplines of Execution
Leaders frequently encounter challenges when it comes to effectively launching a new initiative. The four disciplines outlined below will serve as a guiding framework for the successful implementation of blended learning in the classrooms across my district's campus. Our ELAR (English Language Arts and Reading) teacher team will collaborate closely to ensure the initiative's success, and this cooperative effort will undoubtedly enhance the depth of our implementation.

Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important
Numerous elements contribute to the daily routine within a 8TH grade classroom. We welcome our students five days a week, each of them engaged in various activities aimed at enhancing their literacy, comprehension skills, and social-emotional development, all at different stages of progress. Additionally, we maintain communication with parents via Class Dojo, email, and phone, and we have responsibilities that involve liaising with fellow educators and participating in meetings.
These responsibilities collectively form the "whirlwind" of our daily obligations, which persist even as we strive to instigate change. This is why it is imperative to delineate a clearly measurable goal that can steer us forward, preventing us from endlessly spinning in circles. Although the team can adjust the percentage and/or timeline, this is the WIG I will initially propose:
"By April 2024, 60% of the 8th grade teachers will actively encourage student autonomy, ownership, and expression by implementing a blended learning station rotation model for three days each week. "
Discipline 2: Act on the Lead Measures
Identifying measurable and predictable lead measures is a crucial step in our journey to achieve our WIG (Wildly Important Goal). As I collaborate with my team to define these lead measures, our primary focus will be on pinpointing the behaviors that exert the most significant influence. Here are three sample lead measures that I will present to my team, as I believe they will effectively target behaviors with the greatest leverage to propel our school towards our WIG:
Hypothetical lead measure- our blended learning initiative could involve teachers creating impactful learning environments that incorporate independent online activities and face-to-face small group work for one day each week to model blended learning.
Potential Lag Measure – In order to establish a truly blended learning environment, teachers will incorporate the online component into at least two out of three weekly sessions.
Together, we will compile a list of various possible measures and select the one that best encapsulates what we believe will have the most significant influence on and predict the outcomes of our lag measure.
Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard

As a unified team, we will collectively decide on key aspects such as the optimal location for the scoreboard, its theme and design, as well as the methods and schedule for updates. The scoreboard will play a pivotal role in providing transparency about our progress and fostering mutual accountability among the team members. Those actively working toward our goal will collaborate to create the scoreboard, which will track both Lead and Lag Measures. Our scoreboard must embody simplicity, ensure visibility to all, and offer a clear indication of whether we're making headway.
Discipline 4: Create a Cadence of Accountability
This aspect of our strategy is anticipated to pose the greatest challenge for my initiative. The linchpin here is accountability, and it has the potential to either make or break our plan. Failing to maintain consistent communication among all team members regarding our triumphs and obstacles each week might result in the overwhelming daily demands overshadowing our efforts. Hence, it becomes imperative to dedicate segments of our monthly planning specifically to our endeavors related to the lead measure.
In our initial meetings, it is crucial to establish our Wildly Important Goal (WIG) and outline the lead measures necessary for tracking, influencing, and predicting our lag measure. By crafting a precise definition of the innovative teaching strategies we intend to employ, we can enhance the quality of learning within our classrooms. When every team member is aligned and working harmoniously, we'll have the capacity to effectively address the challenges posed by the whirlwind and ultimately attain our lag measure.
Even though we will still be exposed to the demands of our daily whirlwind, our experience in prioritizing our WIG over these demands will prove invaluable. We will adapt by devising fresh lag and lead measures, as well as creating a new scoreboard to chart our progress. The incorporation of the 4DX principles is a phase I'm eagerly anticipating. Collaborating as a team amid geographical distance and diverse circumstances can be challenging. However, once we successfully accomplish our initial Wildly Important Goal (WIG), it will significantly boost morale and motivation for us to continue working cohesively to achieve new WIGs. This momentum is a valuable asset that we must harness and not overlook.
During this launch, we will welcome participants representing models, potentials, and resistors, each with varying levels of engagement. Effectively incorporating their differing levels of involvement presents a notable challenge. Notably, teachers will be extended an invitation to join the launch alongside the resistors, affording them an opportunity to confront the challenges of the whirlwind. The launch of our Wildly Important Goal (WIG) will take place at various locations, underscoring the need to provide remote support and motivation to individuals situated at a distance.
We will maintain an unwavering focus on the necessary steps and actions required to bring about meaningful change in the early learning landscape of our district. This level of commitment is indispensable for effecting genuine transformation. Once we have embraced the principles of 4DX, we will gain a deep understanding of what it means to be proactive and determined to "play to win." As a team, we will approach the adoption of new Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) with intentionality.
Through the cultivation of trust and accountability, we will propel ourselves further into the realm of innovation. The integration of 4DX will instill enduring habits that consistently drive progress. Team members will perpetually seek opportunities for enhancement, nurturing a culture of continuous improvement.
4DX plays a pivotal role in driving the execution of my innovation plan. Nevertheless, it is not the sole driving force behind my initiative. I have also developed an influencer strategy that delineates how team members will be influenced at various stages of the process. Both the 6 Sources of Influence and 4DX are geared towards instigating enduring and impactful change. These methodologies boost motivation and morale among participants, establish quantifiable criteria for success, and emphasize a limited number of pivotal factors that drive achievement.
By utilizing the 6 Sources of Influence as prompts for behavior change and employing the 4 Steps from 4DX to collaboratively devise our plan, we ensure mutual accountability and significantly increase our likelihood of achieving our Wildly Important Goal. Once we attain our goal, we will work collaboratively to craft a fresh WIG and devise a new 4DX strategy, with accountability ingrained as an integral part of our organizational culture. It was essential for me to consider not only the execution of my innovation plan through the four disciplines but also how to effect meaningful change within the hearts of my team members. While these two strategies may appear distinct in nature, they harmonize and mutually reinforce each other.