Learning is undeniably a journey, a reality that becomes even more evident as I progress through this course. My aim was to create a significant learning environment, prompting me to explore different learning styles, articulate my own educational principles, and examine various planning models. Immersing myself in these educational pursuits has yielded valuable insights into the potential success of my innovation plan. I initiated the development of my innovation plan with the overarching concept in mind. My goal is to establish a blended learning environment within the 6-8 Reading Classrooms. However, when trying to execute this plan I quickly being to realize that learning is different for every one especially in this new culture of learning.
Establishing an impactful learning atmosphere always commences with fostering the right mindset. Initially, I encourage my students to share their insecurities, emphasizing that it's perfectly acceptable not to have all the answers. I consistently reinforce the idea that making mistakes is part of the learning process, urging them to view failures as opportunities for growth—a lesson I acquired while completing these courses. Transitioning to my innovation plan, I am mindful of the importance of staying focused and maintaining a positive outlook as I embark on its implementation. As I continued to explore my thinking and develop my opinions on learning , I being to look closely into how my students interacted with learning. I furthered my thinking of the concept and begin to favor the constructivism approach because it emphasizes making sense of experiences and involves conversation and active participation. As an educator I feel this is important as emphasized in my learning philosophy that students are engaged and participating through self reflections and wanting to seek new information to connect those dots.

Learning Environment/Situational Factors Outline + 3 Column Table
Consider the broader perspective—these were the thoughts coursing through my mind while delving into Fink's 3-column table. Utilizing this framework enabled me to contemplate the trajectory a student takes towards achieving their ultimate objective. Despite finding the model challenging to construct initially, I am confident that with a bit more practice, I will adeptly employ this model to design effective courses.

UbD Design
As I delved into "Understanding by Design" for reading and planning, my roles as both a teacher and a learner gained much-needed clarity. Employing the UbD template allows me to delve more specifically into areas I might unintentionally overlook.Immersing myself in the model enabled a detailed exploration of the specific activities that students would engage in throughout the course. Aligning the topic with my 3-column table proved advantageous. As the learning outcomes and activities solidify, I am increasingly discerning the positive impact this course has on my students.

Growth Mindset Update
In 5302 I created a growth mindset plan to implement in my classroom with my students. After understanding the impact on acceptance of feedback and attitudes toward learning, a growth mindset can I believe cultivate a receptivity to constructive criticism and discourage shortcuts within my classroom. To foster a growth mindset in my learners, I will emphasize the process of learning over fixed outcomes, encouraging them to view challenges as opportunities for growth.

Shifting the focus from grades to the learning process itself and incorporating grit as a resilience factor, can mitigate students' preoccupation with grades. However, caution must be exercised to prevent the growth mindset from becoming a fleeting trend or being improperly implemented. Grit, if misunderstood as mere rigor, could be misused. While my growth mindset plan seemed like a valuable starting point, after over looking it may not be sufficient alone. I plan to encourage my learners to embrace a broader Learner's Mindset that involves them to ignite or reinforcing their intrinsic curiosity, adaptability, and a lifelong love for learning.
Furthermore, it is crucial to consider additional factors, such as fostering a supportive learning environment, providing constructive feedback, and acknowledging individual progress. Modeling the growth mindset and embracing the concept of "Yet" will be integral to conveying its importance to my learners. In order to do this I plan to:
Demonstrate a willingness to take on challenges and showcase how you approach them with a positive attitude by sharing my personal stories of overcoming difficulties to underscore that challenges are opportunities for growth.
Illustrate the importance of setting achievable yet challenging goals. Break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, emphasizing the journey and progress rather than focusing solely on the end result.
Give feedback and focus on specific aspects that can be improved and offer guidance on how to do so. Reinforce the idea that feedback is a valuable tool for growth rather than a judgment.
Dweck, Carol S. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House.
Fink, L.D. (2003). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change. Lexington, KY: Author.
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (expanded second ed.). Arlington, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.