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EDLD 5315 and EDLD 5317 Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community

Dai'Ja Harrell

As this semester ends , I can't help but to think of my journey throughout this program and how it has impacted not only me as an educator but me as student. As I continue to grow class by class , session by session, I see how my confidence in learning and trying new things as we continue to implement and further engage in our innovation plans and impact our campuses.

5315: In 5315 my assignments were:

5317: In 5317 my assignments were :

Key Contributions

  •  Created a google doc Collab sheet to sort out our work of group members and provided feedback to collaborative group members.

  • Conducted additional independent research beyond the suggested course materials to contribute valuable insights.

  • Upon receiving feedback on assignments from both the 5315 and 5317 courses, I engaged in reflection and implemented suggested corrections. Considering the potential impact of my innovation plan on student learning, I eagerly embraced these recommendations. My priority now is ensuring thorough documentation to present to school leaders during discussions about implementing the innovation plan.

  • I engaged in collaborative learning through active participation in the Blackboard weekly discussion boards for both the 5315 and 5317 courses. These discussions facilitated a deeper understanding of the course material provided by the professors and allowed me to glean insights from diverse perspectives shared by my classmates.

  • Adhered to all deadlines outlined in the course calendars for both 5315 and 5317.

  • Regularly monitored grades and emails, promptly responding to messages.

Supporting Contributions

  • Collaborated in a shared leadership capacity within our core group alongside Chloe Vallot , Shirelle Barnes and Kenyana Blount.

  • Reviewed and offered constructive feedback for links shared in Collaborative Google Doc

  • I demonstrated my comprehension of the readings and video resources through each of my posts and responses, employing a method of deep learning to grasp the content thoroughly. This approach enabled me to gain a deeper understanding and meaning from the materials provided by the professors.

EDLD 5317 Publication Article Peer Review Reflection

The peer review is great! It helps catch errors we might miss. Sometimes, when we're focused on writing, we overlook things. Having peers review our work is super helpful. This semester, I swapped papers with a few classmates, which was cool. In exchange, they reviewed my article and offered fantastic suggestions to enhance it. Exploring the concept of growth mindset in the ADL masters program has enabled me to view that feedback/feedforward from a new angle, recognize it, and utilize it as constructive advice to enhance my article. Based on the criteria my publication draft was scored an overall 3/4. It effectively communicates the message, provides strong supporting evidence, integrates resources well, identifies challenges and offers practical solutions, explores opportunities thoroughly, and utilizes external references effectively. It was missing minor details and more explanation in specific areas. With the feedback provided I did revamp .

Areas for Improvement:

  • Participate in additional live class meetings during the upcoming session.

  • Allocate extra time to engage with course readings thoroughly.

The grades I am giving myself are as follows:

5315: 95%

5317: 95%

Looking ahead, I aim to put into practice the lessons learned from the program by actively sharing my thoughts, even if it means taking some risks. I'm dedicated to consistently improving my willingness to be open and take chances, especially when working with others on joint projects



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