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Contribution to my Learning

Dai'Ja Harrell

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

By Dai'Ja Harrell

Embarking on graduate school after a 2-year hiatus as a student has exceeded my expectations. While anticipating a similar experience to my undergraduate courses filled with lectures and essays, I discovered that EDLD 5305 and 5303 offered a refreshing departure. Though the workload and pace were demanding, I found a renewed sense of purpose in this program that I rarely encountered before. Exploring topics like growth mindset and embracing authentic learning has been genuinely enjoyable. Collaborating with Nwamaka Nwaeme, Laura Hopkins, Tamia M Parker in EDLD 5305, and continuing with Nwamaka Nwaeme while adding Chloe Vallot in EDLD 5303 has enriched my journey. As an overall assessment, I award myself 40/50 points for EDLD 5305 and 84/100 for EDLD 5303.

Over the past eight weeks, I have successfully met all the key contribution factors for my courses, with the exception of one supporting contribution. My greatest strength throughout this period has been my commitment to completing all the assigned readings and videos to ensure thorough preparation for class discussions. However one main things that I could have taken more action on is giving feedback and contributing fully in the discussion post with my classmates. I thought that by me focusing on completing the assignments , discussions and meeting deadlines on my part , I was fully experiencing the learning process in these courses. Also because I am a instructions person and I wasn't very sure if we specifically had to respond to each other , I shorted my self out of that initial experience. Now after reflecting and looking at feedback from Dr. H, I have went back in both courses and took deeper looks into the discussion post entries from my peers and responded to several . My classmates have a lot of insightful ideas when it came to their innovation proposals. They also brought a lot of great points on the different topics presented to us.

Prior to class starting , having access to the readings and syllabi looking at the workload seemed very overwhelming. One major thing that I thought would be a challenge was that we were expected to read the book "Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools" before our first class. However, I took it as a challenge and dedicated extra time by waking up early and setting aside evening hours to finish the book before our initial Zoom session. Additionally, I conscientiously watched the assigned videos and completed the required readings before our EDLD 5305 Zoom sessions. This enabled me to participate in breakout room discussions at the start of each class, displaying my dedication to engaging with the material. This was a challenge that I feel has helped me as and individual because I don't often like speaking in front of others especially to share thoughts and opinions, so these courses definitely brought me out of my comfort zone , By adhering to this , I effectively managed my time and successfully completed and submitted each assignment punctually. Ultimately having a growth mindset , I've learned that despite the many challenges faced throughout this course , to redirect my motivations from trying to achieve high grade averages to actually soaking up this learning and figuring out how my learning has been impacted for better.

The program has provided me with a remarkable experience, and one aspect that stands out as a favorite is the exceptional clarity and effectiveness of the feedback I receive. When I receive feedback that highlights my strengths and provides guidance on areas for improvement, it reinforces the significance of my assignments. Among the readings I engaged with, Horn's Blended Learning (entire book ) resonated with me. After being graded on my Literary Review , I took those changes and statements to revise my project and the path I was going along. An aspect where I recognize the need for growth is my participation in class discussions during Zoom meetings and my contributions to the discussion boards with substantiated research. As mentioned earlier, I tend to feel hesitant about sharing my thoughts, making it intimidating for me to speak up in a large Zoom class. In both the 5305 and 5303 Zoom sessions, there were instances where I had questions or comments but refrained from unmuting and engaging with individuals I hadn't met before. Although I actively participated in breakout room discussions, something holds me back from actively contributing in the broader Zoom class setting. After studying the concept of growth mindset in 5303, I realized that a part of my reluctance to engage in discussion boards and contribute during group Zoom sessions stems from a fear of being judged or sounding uninformed.

I tend to overthink and rehearse my thoughts extensively before sharing, which restricts my ability to fully contribute and collaborate with my classmates. Looking ahead to future courses, I aim to challenge my fixed mindset and increase my active participation during Zoom meetings. Simultaneously, I will dedicate more time to provide thoughtful comments and engage in discussions on my classmates' posts within the discussion boards. By addressing these areas of growth, I hope to overcome my hesitation, foster a more open mindset, and enhance my ability to contribute meaningfully and collaborate with my peers.


1 Comment

Jul 23, 2023

I appreciate your vulnerability about sharing out to a big group. The fact that you acknowledge this and are looking to improve means you are on the right track and will be inspiring to others who share your same perspective.

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